Group Exercise class

Dive into the refreshing world of fitness with GX Aquatic Classes! it's not just a workout; it's a water adventure that leaves you feeling invigorated and revitalized.


Experience a full-body workout that is gentle on the joints while still delivering an intense and effective exercise session

Stress Relief

The soothing properties of water provide a calming environment, reducing stress and promoting relaxation


Regardless of age, fitness level, or physical condition, We offer a welcoming space for everyone to improve their health and fitness

Improved Sleep

Regular aquatic exercise can lead to improved sleep quality, a precious benefit for parents in need of rest


Join a supportive community of people who are on a fitness journey, forming connections and friendships with like-minded individuals

Low Risk

The low-impact nature of water workouts reduces the risk of injury, making GX Aquatic Classes suitable for individuals of all fitness levels and ages